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Spring 2025

Online Rock Glaze and Wild Clay Preparation Demonstration

I have recorded a 90 minute film demonstration of my techniques developing glazes from found rocks, clays and ashes. It is available to view, for a fee, via this link.

Throwing weekends

A weekend course designed to teach you the basics or to really improve your throwing skills. The maximum class size is five so there will be plenty of opportunity for 1:1 tuition enabling participants to focus on individual goals and concentrate on particular skills that they want to master. This class is suitable for everyone, from beginners to experienced throwers.

February 8th and 9th        10am to 4pm    Fully booked

March 1st and 2nd        10am to 4pm   Fully booked

April 12th and 13th        10am to 4pm  Fully booked

Glaze weekend - April

This course is specially designed for people who have access to an electric kiln and are able to fire the tests they will make in this course to midfire or stoneware temperatures. It is a weekend course to introduce you to glaze theory and simple ways to start testing and developing your own glazes. Participants will be making their own tests, tailored to the temperature that they fire to. It will also focus on understanding the process of firing and how to deal with possible glaze faults.

April 26th and 27th        10am to 4pm   Fully booked

Rock Glaze Course - July

This course is a four day course explaining how to develop glazes from your own collected materials - clays, ashes and rocks. It will cover glaze theory, geology for potters, glaze test development, firing and potential glaze faults. Alongside the theory will be practical sessions where you will learn to make a variety of material tests (melt tests, substitution tests, lineblends and more complex biaxial tests). It is divided into 2 two day parts, with a day in between, so that I can fire the tests in  a cone 10 gas firing and/or you can fire copies in your own kiln. In the second part we will explore the results and use them to plan future directions.

This is a course for people who have a basic understanding of glazes and glaze theory, but are serious about developing their own ash, clay or rock glazes. If you are interested in a place, please email me with a summary of your previous experience and what you would wish to achieve, so that I can ensure that the course is suitable for you. Place numbers are limited.

July 23rd and 24th, 26th and 27th.        10am to 4pm   £650        2 places left

Weekend classes run from 10am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday. I provide coffee, teas and biscuits throughout the weekend. I make a vegetarian soup for lunch but participants should bring a sandwich or something else for their lunch.

To confirm a place I require full payment by either a cheque or bank transfer. If you find that you are unable to attend the class please let me know as soon as possible beforehand. I often have a waiting list. I am only able to give a refund if I am able to fill the place.

Please contact me using the Contact form  to enquire about booking a place.

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